Ko te DOP e tu ana mo Dioctyl Phthaclate, e kiia ana ko Dioctyl Phthalate. It is an organic ester compound and a commonly used plasticizer. Its main functions can be summarized as follows:
Kirihou: Ko te DOP te kirika-a-tinana, i whakamahia i roto i te tukatuka o te polyvinyl chloride (PVC), ka taea te whakapai ake i te ngawari, te huringa me te iti o te riri o te pāmahana o nga taonga PVC.
Tono: Hei taapiri atu ki te PVC, ka taea hoki te whakamahi i te tukatuka o nga polymers penei i te matū, acetate resin, abs riki me te rapanga.
Hangaia he momo hua: Ka taea te whakamahi PVC DOP ki te hanga hiako o te ahuwhenua, nga rauemi ahuwhenua, me etahi atu taonga mo nga hu o ia ra, penei; agricultural film for agricultural planting; packaging materials for food, medicine, etc.; cables for power transmission and communication.

3. Nga tono ahumahi
In summary, DOP, as an important plasticizer, plays an important role in material processing, product manufacturing and industrial applications. Heoi, me te whakapainga o te maarama taiao me te whakapainga o nga ture taiao me nga whakaritenga o te taiao, ka uru pea te whakamahinga o te DOP ki etahi here me nga wero kei te heke mai. Therefore, while promoting its application, it is also necessary to pay attention to its environmental protection and safety issues.
Te wa tuku: Feb-20-2025